Meet Kelly Driscoll
Welcome to Kelly Lynn Coaching! As a former educator turned educator mental health and wellness consultant, Kelly brings over 30 years experience to supporting schools and education communities. After beginning her career as a special education paraprofessional, she spent nearly 15 years as a guidance counselor followed by 10 years as a school level administrator. Having launched her own coaching and consulting practice, Kelly’s mission is to empower educators to live lives that are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose. Kelly is deeply invested in the work of supporting educator mental health through professional development and advocacy that equips individuals with skills to create balance, while helping districts create a culture of wellness rooted in purpose, connection and joy. Her powerful work in education engenders hope through shared ownership of individual and systems transformation.
Now more than ever, educators are experiencing extreme stress that is not only impacting their health and wellness, it is creating novel challenges and instability for children within the classroom. Factors like absenteeism, teacher disengagement and unfilled positions have a direct impact on student outcomes. Additionally, educators who do not have adequate supports are often unable to effectively manage stress and frequently unable to assist in supporting the emotional needs of the children in their classroom.
There has been a significant push to increase SEL professional development to support student mental health and wellness, and there absolutely should be! However, If we continue to provide SEL professional development and support for educators that only focuses on how to support students, we are falling seriously short and limiting the potential for positive outcomes. Support MUST include explicit and separate educator mental health and wellness interventions. That said, supporting educator wellness is complex and requires an authentic and holistic response to the needs of the entire community.
Let's create an intervention strategy for the unique strengths and challenges of your school and district!
Empowering districts to transform culture and educators
to transform their lives so they are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose.
It is my MISSION to bring joy back to education.
On a personal note, I am the mother of three amazingly fierce, brave, beautiful daughters, ages 23, 18, and 16. Let me tell you, I have been there. We have navigated challenges of every possible size and shape… academic, social, athletic, as well as, mental and physical health issues. You are not alone! I know the heartbreak of these challenges and I know the elation thriving on the other side of that pain. I have been there! I look forward to meeting and hearing how I can help.

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Meet Kelly Driscoll

Welcome to Kelly Lynn Coaching! For the past 26 years, I have had the pleasure of working with adults and adolescents within an educational setting. I have an MEd in School Counseling and spent nearly 14 years as a guidance counselor before moving into education administration. As the Director of Alternative Programs at a large high school, my focus was on creating innovative programs to support students who struggled in the traditional high school setting. Before becoming a Certified Life Coach, I spent several years as the Dean of Students in a rural high school working to cultivate positive school culture and climate, leading innovative work addressing social emotional needs.
All that said, what most qualifies me to work as a transformational coach and consultant is the thousands of hours I have spent listening, counseling and coaching individuals and organizations to find a sense of purpose and belonging in a world that often feels disconnected and unforgiving. This is my deepest passion and what led me to utilize my vast experience in education and invest in shifting culture and transforming lives as a full time coach and consultant. I absolutely love the coaching model that allows for building a trusting relationship and is centered on action and accountability.
Empowering districts to transform culture and educatorsnnto transform their lives so they are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose.
It is my MISSION to bring joy back to education.

On a personal note, I am the single mother of three amazingly fierce, brave, beautiful daughters, ages 20, 15, and 14. Let me tell you, I have been there. We have navigated challenges of every possible size and shape… academic, social, athletic, as well as, mental and physical health issues. You are not alone! I know the heartbreak of these challenges and I know the elation thriving on the other side of that pain. I have been there! I look forward to meeting and hearing how I can help.
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