Hello brave friend! I watched the incredible woman on the other end of the Zoom call, sitting in her car that was parked in the lot of her school. She had come out for our session during her prep period, needing a safe space to let go. She was crying and I was reminding myself…
READ MORE >Good morning brave friend! Ok, so I finally took my own advice! This little strategy has been part of my self-care workshops for YEARS and yet it was only last week that I actually followed through and used it myself! I finally removed the EMAIL icon from the home screen of my phone!!! One of…
READ MORE >Hello brave friend! Wow! We’re in February and I don’t know about you, but I am feeling the weight of winter! For me, this time of year is almost always when I feel super low energy and I just want to hibernate! I know I am not alone in this feeling as I hear it…
READ MORE >Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., arguably the most influential individual in the civil rights movement. Dr. King was known for his incredible ability to stir people with the power of his words and his brave call to action. Sitting here thinking about him, I can literally hear his voice in my head…
READ MORE >Hello BOLD friend! Two and a half years ago I became a part of the Women’s Business League (WBL), a community where powerhouse women connect, grow and prosper. I joined shortly after launching my business because I knew I needed to surround myself with a group of individuals who could support and guide me as…
READ MORE >Hello incredible humans! Happy New Year! Welcome 2024, it’s nice to finally meet you! I absolutely love a fresh start, a new beginning… a rebrand of sorts! It’s a chance to reflect on what has been and an opportunity to breathe life into what we have previously only imagined. While you do not need a…
READ MORE >Hello brave friend! I’ve been thinking a lot about time recently. Perhaps it’s because time is the number one thing people tell me they long for and also the number one reason many say they aren’t able to achieve what they desire. Nearly everyone I speak with says they need more time… and if they had more, they would surely be…
READ MORE >Hello my friend! How are you doing my friend? Really, how are you? I’m not asking in a passing fashion like one does when they run into a neighbor or acquaintance in the grocery store. I mean the question sincerely and with the depth that invites an authentic answer. How are you? Can you sit…
READ MORE >Hello brave friend! And…we’re off!! I can almost hear the starting pistol fire as we wrap up Thanksgiving and head into the holidays. For years it almost felt like I put my folk down after the last bite of pie and a sense of frenzied panic would set in. I remember talking about Black Friday…
READ MORE >Ok, so this mini topic isn’t new… in fact I have come back to it many times over the past two years when it feels like the thing that’s getting in our way. I find that we are, yet again, in need of this conversation. It’s one of those, “We need to talk” kind of conversations. You…
READ MORE >About Kelly Lynn

I empower districts to transform culture and educators to transform their lives so they are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose. With over thirty years experience in education and education administration, I specialize in supporting Social Emotional Learning (SEL), balance and a culture of wellness. It is my MISSION to bring joy back to education!
Contact Kelly Lynn
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