How are you?
Hello my friend!
How are you doing my friend? Really, how are you? I’m not asking in a passing fashion like one does when they run into a neighbor or acquaintance in the grocery store. I mean the question sincerely and with the depth that invites an authentic answer.
How are you?
Can you sit with that question for a moment? Will you allow yourself to pause and perhaps even close your eyes, settling in to listen fully to your own honest answer?
How are you?
As we sit with being in mid December, and all that comes with this time of year, I know that many of us are putting our heads down and just trying to get through. We make our lists, check the calendar for obligations, and celebrations (that can feel a lot like obligations) and just try to get to the end of the day with half the items checked off. All the while we work to infuse joy and connect to the things that feel good. December holds so much promise and we catch moments of joy mixed in with the expectation and pressure… yet we very rarely pause and ask ourselves, “how are you, really?”
In thinking about this time of year, I am often brought to December 26th. This could possibly be one of my most favorite days of the year. For me, December 26th is the exhale. The rush and chaos of Christmas preparations is over. The mad dash to get the perfect gift wrapped and shared has passed. The cards have been sent… or they weren’t. The cookies were baked or I simply let go and didn’t bake them. Whatever isn’t done doesn’t matter anymore and, after sleeping in, I will sit in my fuzzy robe with a hot cup of coffee and melt into the chair while feeling a deep sense of relief. I did it!
Sitting with my coffee and left over pie on December 26th feels nourishing. It’s the moment I allow myself to let go and be present. I no longer care about the lists or what still needs doing or how I can make everyone happy. I have no need to give attention to getting it all done. I can give myself permission to exhale and spend the entire day in my pajamas. This is often when I ask myself, “How are you?” I check in for the first time in weeks and see how I am doing, what I need and what would feel good. I love December 26th because I allow myself to return to me and we get reacquainted.
So, finding us on December 11th, two weeks and one day away from my exhale… I am wondering what keeps me from skipping ahead and doing it now? It doesn’t matter what holiday you celebrate and prepare for… or none at all. We are each waiting for something that gives us permission to let the rest go. I wonder what might happen if we take a breath… and let it out today? What might I say if I asked myself “How are you really doing? What do you need for yourself and what would feel nourishing?” How might that change the quality of the next few weeks for myself and those around me?
I don’t think I would throw it ALL out and stay in my pjs… but I might feel compelled to let go of some things. I might be swayed to recall that the perfect batch of homemade everything isn’t a must. I may be invited to let go of the things that weigh too much and hold on to what feels good. Why not embrace that December 26th feeling of relief NOW?
YES!! That’s the Mindful Mini invitation that lives under my sincere question, “How are you?” It’s an invitation to pause, listen and allow. I want to know exactly how you are and then I want to guide you toward letting go of what isn’t nourishing joy right now!. It’s ok if the pie isn’t your moms homemade recipe or if the cards go out a little later and become New Years cards… or aren’t sent at all. It’s ok to spend a Sunday in your pjs instead of circling for a parking spot and fighting crowds. I want us all to have that December 26th feeling for more than just one day. Let’s cultivate it with permission to let go so that next time I see you I don’t have to ask how you are.. I will just see ease and joy written all over your face! I want us all to feel it NOW, because we are so worth it!
Yours in heart,
Kelly Driscoll
About Kelly Lynn

I empower districts to transform culture and educators to transform their lives so they are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose. With over thirty years experience in education and education administration, I specialize in supporting Social Emotional Learning (SEL), balance and a culture of wellness. It is my MISSION to bring joy back to education!
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