Hello incredible friend!
Ahhhh… the joy of a LONG weekend! I hope it was everything you needed it to be!
For me, it meant some wonderful, low-key, easy going, rest time with my daughters. We really embraced lounging and spent both weekend nights snuggled on the couch watching movies and eating takeout. It was glorious! As it happens, I am really late to the Avatar party, having never seen either of the two epic movies. When my girls realized this horrific fact, they insisted we watch both… which is in large part why we ended up spending two nights on the couch!
So… there is A LOT to talk about here, but I am going to keep it to just three words. These three words were the most pivotal and meaningful words for me in the entire movie. In fact, these three words summarize what is now my ‘late to the party’ attachment to the series! The three words that shifted it all for me? I see you.
This greeting offered to each other by the Na’vi tribe living on the planet of Pandora isn’t just words.
“I see you”
This greeting is more than hello, it’s more than simple acknowledgement that you have come together. It runs much deeper. The Na’vi describe the greeting to mean, “I see your true self, beyond appearances and I accept and value you for who you are.”
I’ll be honest, the first time this payed out on screen I was awestruck and then I was envious. To be part of a community that not only welcomes each other, but, looking deeper, offers an extension of love that says, you belong here just as you are and I SEE YOU. How incredible to be seen, to be known and to be accepted just exactly as you are. I want to be part of a community that embraces this as a way of life. I want to be seen and I want the bravery of others that allows me to fully see them. I want this!
I know this happens to us all. We see a movie that speaks to our hearts, to our dreams, to our longings and we FEEL it. How often have you allowed the tears in a darkened theater? We tend to allow those longings for just a moment when we think others can’t see. And then we pack it all away, wipe the tears and dismiss it to the fiction of theater. It’s not real life… we can’t possibly expect to live in a movie can we? Maybe, maybe not… ultimately, I think we get to decide!
In this case, I choose to see. I choose to see YOU fully and to invite you to see me. It’s a BOLD and vulnerable leap… but if it leads to the kind of deep connection I believe we are all longing for, it is worth it. And WE are worth it!
So, here we are… the Mindful Mini invitation you have been waiting for. I SEE YOU, I invite you to see me and to create a safe space for others to be seen beyond appearances. I invite you to accept and value those around you for exactly as they are. Start by accepting and valuing yourself for exactly as you are. Know that love in you and then extend it to the world around you. I SEE YOU! If you haven’t seen Avatar it’s well worth it. If you have, you know the beauty of this connection as it plays out on screen. It doesn’t need to live in a fictional land, it can live in all of us! I SEE YOU! Show up just as you are. Be seen. You are valuable and you are so worth it!
Yours in heart,
About Kelly Lynn

I empower districts to transform culture and educators to transform their lives so they are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose. With over thirty years experience in education and education administration, I specialize in supporting Social Emotional Learning (SEL), balance and a culture of wellness. It is my MISSION to bring joy back to education!
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