The Star
Hello gorgeous friend!!
Thank you for granting some grace as I allowed for rest and connection this week! I hope you did too. This time of year has so much jam packed into it, I think all of us experience the vast range of emotions pretty deeply at some point or other. Regardless of what you are observing and/or celebrating, this is a time of year we can FEEL so much! With all the expectations, gatherings, doings, heaped on top of the endings and beginnings, well it’s just a lot. It was nice to step away, disconnect and just breathe.
So, as we reconnect for a Wednesday Mindful Mini, I wonder, How are you?? I would love to hear from you. Truly, your emails and outreach sustain me… this isn’t a rhetorical question!
As for me, I was delighted to find that one of my Christmas gifts this year was a set of Tarot cards from my daughter! I have always been fascinated by Tarot card reading and my curiosity wanted to dig a little deeper, so her gift was spot on. I was eager to check it out, but the day was all the pure chaos of family, friends, gifts, food, and fun… so the cards were set aside. It wasn’t until late Christmas night, after we had played some new games, laughed hysterically and filled our bellies with deliciousness, that the house was finally still and quiet. When I saw the Tarot cards under the tree as I headed to bed, I paused and decided to pull them out.
Picking up the small instruction booklet that came with the cards, it stated that the simplest reading was to select one card with a question in mind. I was invited to focus on a question or intention as I shuffled the deck, picking a single card. I decided to offer a broad question, a wonder if you will. I sat for a moment and thought… “with the remaining days of 2022, what can I do to let go of this year and honor it for the gifts and lessons it has given?”. Then I shuffled the deck…once, then twice, and on the third round, one card got stuck and as I tried to order them all back together, it fell to the floor. That was the one.
The Star.
I picked up the guide book and it read: “The Star is a welcome symbol of hope, inspiration, and rebirth. In this card a woman is emptying two jars of water into a stream. It represents feelings being returned to their source”
Feelings being returned to their source. I had to reread that a few times. Yeah, I felt that for sure.
I sat with this for a while and the more I did the more it resonated. I absolutely LOVE the idea of using the remainder of 2022 to return feelings to their source. I connect to this need in the feelings I am holding that no longer serve me… the regret, resentment, anger, even hatred. Returning them to their source, or perhaps it’s the idea of pouring them back into the river because I no longer want to fill my emotional cup with them. I love the idea of releasing, so that I can make room to carry new feelings that serve me in new ways. I love the image of pouring out… it just captures a beautiful emptying that results in space to be full. All of this felt so spot on and it was the exact invitation I needed for the remaining days of this year.
When I told my sister the story the next day, she said, “Yeah, I still struggle to believe all the Tarot hype”! Yep, I get it, and that’s ok! Maybe ‘The Star’ card wasn’t hand picked by the universe with a message directed at me, but maybe it was. Either way, wasn’t it a beautiful invitation nonetheless? And good LAWD did I need to hear it! I’ll accept that invitation no matter how it was delivered.
So, I am passing it on to you my friends. Your Mindful Mini invitation this last week of the year is to pour out the feelings you have been holding onto that are ready to be returned to their source. Empty your water jars so that they may be filled again! Ours is a deep river of feelings and it runs through our lives with beauty, power and grace… it holds all we experience. Yet sometimes we fill our jars and hold on a bit longer than we need to. Is it time to pour out what is and make room for what will be? Let’s create space to nourish ourselves in the new year because we are sooo worth it!
Yours in heart,
Kelly Lynn Driscoll
About Kelly Lynn

I empower districts to transform culture and educators to transform their lives so they are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose. With over thirty years experience in education and education administration, I specialize in supporting Social Emotional Learning (SEL), balance and a culture of wellness. It is my MISSION to bring joy back to education!
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