I Felt That in my Soul
Hello brave friend,
If you’ve been following along with my Minis for the last few weeks, you know there has been a theme of leaning into the holidays through the lens of connection and shared experience. Consider today’s Mini as another episode in that series!
The final installment of the festive events I’d planned to connect with my people came in the form of the Boston Pops! Yesterday, my intent was to attend my first ever Boston Pops Holiday Concert with all three of my daughters. As it so happened, we had more unexpected twists and turns, so when I joyfully set out it was with Addison, my 15 year old, and two of my dearest friends. We embraced the shifts, adjusted our expectations, and readied ourselves for holiday cheer!!
Addison had never attended the orchestra, and had never seen the Boston Pops in person. She is a lover of music, of all sorts! As a young woman with an incredibly eclectic list of favorite musicians, I was certain she would enjoy it deeply, and I was spot on! Throughout the concert, I watched her as she sang along with the carols she knew, and then periodically sighed and melted into her chair. I watched as she held her breath during some of the more moving pieces, and I melted as she leaned in to lay her head on my shoulder so she could absorb it all. My favorite moment came toward the end, as I looked over to see her with eyes closed, head slightly tilted back, swaying… and although it was dark, I’m quite certain I saw a tear falling down her cheek. I will hold the exquisite joy of that moment with both awe and gratitude.
As we walked out at the end of the concert, she linked arms with me, pulled me in close, and said “I felt that in my soul“. We stayed close all the way to the car.
Driving home, Addison and I talked about music, and how it reaches places within us in such a unique way. Music can stir emotion we didn’t know was there and it holds a safe space to embrace deep sadness, as well as bold joy… at times within the same moment! We decided that we wanted to seek out more local concerts, of every musical style. Being in person to feel the music filled our souls and we wanted that more!
And so there it is my friends, your Mindful Mini invitation for today… an invitation to fill your soul! What is it that speaks to you in a way that defies words and calls you to close your eyes, lean back and feel it completely? Where do you connect on a deeper level that longs to be noticed? What holds space for you to feel all the feels? Your invitation is to find it… And then cultivate it. Perhaps that means connecting with somebody who can share that practice with you… Or maybe it’s something that you embrace with solitude, gifting yourself a connection just for you. Whatever it is, it’s there waiting for you, and you are so worth it!
Yours in heart,
Kelly Lynn Driscoll
About Kelly Lynn

I empower districts to transform culture and educators to transform their lives so they are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose. With over thirty years experience in education and education administration, I specialize in supporting Social Emotional Learning (SEL), balance and a culture of wellness. It is my MISSION to bring joy back to education!
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