Take Up as Much Space as You Possibly Can
Ok, so I had an entirely different pst in store for you than you’re actually getting this morning. I typically write my weekly posts at some point over the weekend and have them scheduled to automatically send out at 7:30am. And that was the plan for today…. until I went to Yoga this morning. While I centered my heart and mind on my mat, and began feeling into my body, I was reminded about the enormity of my worth in such a way that I had to hit pause on the intended message for today. I mean, after Shavasana, I literally rushed home to catch the auto send and hit PAUSE. I have never done that before… and it felt that big.
In the past four years my yoga practice has grown and I have found an incredible gift in the messages I receive while on my mat. Sometimes these come in the form of reflections as I turn inward, and sometimes they come from the incredible instructors I am blessed to have share beautiful insights with our community of yogis. Monday mornings with Karen has become a time I so look forward to, and her willingness to show up for us and share of herself calls me to match her intention and be fully and authentically present for myself. I must admit, I do become torn by intending to stay in the moment, and wanting to remember the beauty of her words. Sometimes I feel like I need to pause and say, “Hey! That was so spot on, can I have a second to write it down??” Alas, I choose presence and attempt to recall some of what she shares at the end.
This morning, at one point during a challenging twist, while I was feeling I had reached as far as I could go and was struggling to hold the pose, Karen said, “Take up as much space as you possibly can. Don’t shrink. EVER.”
Wait. What?
I was reaching, extending and stretching… making myself long. Feeling strong. But, take up as much space as I possibly can? That felt entirely different.It wasn’t limited to my physical body. It was a reminder that my entire essence, my energy and voice, was waiting to be the full extension of who I am. So I did, I expanded and breathed into the space around me. I became larger. I filled more space and I felt the intensity of my full birthright to exist in the most powerful and beautiful version of myself. It was breathtaking.
How often have we been made to feel small and how often have we allowed others to limit us? I have accepted and complied with those who have said I am too much, too loud, too honest, too vocal, too BIG. It was exhausting and soul sucking. So, in the past year I have boldly stepped into my power and declined to comply with those who would demand I shrink, with those who felt threatened by my largeness. Karen’s message this morning was a powerful reminder that my worth, my soul purpose should and WILL take up as much space as possible.
So, my loves, your Mindful Mini invitation today is to take up as much space as you possibly can!! Become so large that your gloriousness is unavoidable. Speak your greatness, or show up with quiet determination that fills a room with joy. Don’t shrink. EVER. Find your power and boldly step into it. When you are told you are too much, decline that invitation to be less. Fanfare is unnecessary, just decline and take up even more space. Your beautiful soul cannot be contained and your greatness cannot be denied. Take up as much space as you possibly can.
You are SO worth it.
Yours in heart,
Kelly Lynn Driscoll
About Kelly Lynn

I empower districts to transform culture and educators to transform their lives so they are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose. With over thirty years experience in education and education administration, I specialize in supporting Social Emotional Learning (SEL), balance and a culture of wellness. It is my MISSION to bring joy back to education!
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