Hello brave friend! I’m coming up on the one year anniversary of my shoulder surgery! We like to mark time with anniversaries, a full trip around the sun feels worthy of celebration. If you weren’t around a year ago for that wild ride… it was a tough one for me. It was a whole thing……
READ MORE >Hello incredible friend! I have been watching this show on Netflix called, New Amsterdam. It’s a show about the oldest public hospital in the country located in New York City and all the people that work there. It’s not a new show… it’s been around since… but I have only recently settled into watching. Like…
READ MORE >Hello incredible friend! Ahhhh… the joy of a LONG weekend! I hope it was everything you needed it to be! For me, it meant some wonderful, low-key, easy going, rest time with my daughters. We really embraced lounging and spent both weekend nights snuggled on the couch watching movies and eating takeout. It was glorious!…
READ MORE >Hello beautiful friend! I’m back! And I survived!! If you read my last mini, you know that I was headed West to embark on a rafting trip through Hells Canyon on the Snake River that creates the border between Idaho and Oregon. I left with great anticipation, expectation and some healthy fear! Now that I…
READ MORE >Hello brave friend! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and I hope it was a LONG one! Celebrating the unofficial end to summer has always marked the start of my favorite season… so, here we go! This week marks the third September I haven’t started back to school as an “in a building…
READ MORE >Hello my brave friend! I woke up this morning and it was chilly! I had to run back in and grab a sweatshirt for my morning walk with Piper and it was one of those welcome surprises that caught me just a tad off guard. I absolutely adore fall weather. I love the crisp chilly…
READ MORE >Hello brave friend! Ok, so tomorrow is August. I’m having big feels about this… how about you? The thing is, I absolutely love living in New England where I am able to fully experience the changing seasons. I mean, I LOVE IT! I love the anticipation of the coming season… dreaming of the warmth of…
READ MORE >Hello gorgeous friend! Last week I left the gym and I was so frustrated I sat in my car for a few minutes, then posted a video on social media. If you saw that post… you know where I am headed with this, but it’s well worth hearing it again! Having been incredibly busy the…
READ MORE >Hello my incredible friend! Yes, yes… it’s not MONDAY! What the heck happened? I missed my plane. Yep, that’s how this all started, I missed my plane. However, it ends with me sitting on my sister’s deck in Fort Collins Colorado, so it isn’t a sad story after all! Like most of our tales, there’s…
READ MORE >Hello brave friend! Two years ago on July 1st, 2021, I posted a picture of myself on social media with some inspired caption about showing up for my first day as my own boss. I remember it well, I had just stepped away from a 28 year career in education, the only profession I had…
READ MORE >About Kelly Lynn

I empower districts to transform culture and educators to transform their lives so they are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose. With over thirty years experience in education and education administration, I specialize in supporting Social Emotional Learning (SEL), balance and a culture of wellness. It is my MISSION to bring joy back to education!
Contact Kelly Lynn
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