Hello glorious friends! I have recently become curious about my astrological chart. The story behind this curiosity isn’t short. In fact it’s more of a series of short side road journeys that lead nowhere specific but end up bringing me right where I need to be. Curiosity can be like that sometimes. We don’t necessarily…
READ MORE >Hello courageous friends! Gah! It’s August 1st. AUGUST FIRST. Wow… for me, it never feels easy to allow this to sink in and be ok. Having spent over thirty years in education, August 1st always feels like the beginning of the end. It signals the gentle cascading of time back toward school. I both love…
READ MORE >Here’s a really fun fact… yesterday was International Self-Care Day! How cool is that?! And… how did I not know it?? I mean, it is quite literally my soul passion! It was a completely random twist of fate that I even found out about International Self-Care Day… driving back from a FULL day at the…
READ MORE >About six months ago I found myself in a wonderful conversation with several women outside my favorite yoga studio. It was one of those beautiful conversations that arises organically when people come together with an open heart, like we often do when we are practicing yoga. It was a small group of women, most I…
READ MORE >Hello brave friends! I attended my daughter’s college graduation this weekend. I know this is happening all over the country and I see the posts on social media of the elated graduate with their diploma in hand standing with their gleeful family. On the faces of both the graduates and their loved ones you can…
READ MORE >Good morning brave friends! Most weeks I have a pretty good idea of what I want to share when I sit down to write the Mindful Mini. Sometimes it’s a battle in my mind of which important nugget of gold I want to share… because I think of you all so often throughout the week…
READ MORE >Beautiful Humans! Oh the challenges of a Monday that is dark and dreary. I fully embraced an incredible fall weekend and put all work aside until this morning. Pulling off the covers to a dark room with the rain audibly pounding outside my window was a struggle for sure. I know how these mornings will…
READ MORE >“When you feel pulled away, close your eyes, breathe deeply into the full expression of your breath, release the hold in your face and let go of your shoulders. Turn inward and return to you.” This past week was a struggle. I found myself feeling depleted and weary. It was a week that held great…
READ MORE >Beautiful friends, I don’t know what the weather looks like where you are this morning, but it is dreary and wet outside my window. I find that these types of days create a desire in me to pull in, an urge to rest and reflect. It can be hard to lean into this place on…
READ MORE >Ok, so I had an entirely different pst in store for you than you’re actually getting this morning. I typically write my weekly posts at some point over the weekend and have them scheduled to automatically send out at 7:30am. And that was the plan for today…. until I went to Yoga this morning. While…
READ MORE >About Kelly Lynn

I empower districts to transform culture and educators to transform their lives so they are connected, fulfilled and aligned with purpose. With over thirty years experience in education and education administration, I specialize in supporting Social Emotional Learning (SEL), balance and a culture of wellness. It is my MISSION to bring joy back to education!
Contact Kelly Lynn
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